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网站首页    新闻动态    新闻翻译过程需要遵从哪些原则?


We will see a lot of news will have some English translation, compared to other translators, news translation can be said to have some principles to follow, then you know what principles news translation needs to follow? Below by our translation company's small edition for you to introduce in detail.


1, journalistic translation should follow the timeliness of news:


One of the most important features of news translation is to pay attention to timeliness, which determines the particularity of news, makes people see clearly and attracts more readers. The essence of news and news language determines the specific, accurate and vivid features of news language.


2, news translation has some political characteristics:


For example, news reports cover financial and commercial activities, military conflicts, scientific and technological development, diplomatic activities, cultural and sports trends, as well as religion, law, criminal, family and other aspects. Therefore, we must be cautious in translating, such as the inaccuracy of the translation, which is likely to have a political impact.


3. Streamlining and smoothness of news translation language:


The features of news language are still obvious, so the process of translation should also be standardized, precise and accurate, translation errors, it is likely to lead to serious consequences, in order to avoid negative effects, the translator in the translation process of terminology exquisite.


The above are some principles that should be followed in the process of news translation introduced by the small edition of the translation company. I hope it will be helpful to all of you.

2018年9月18日 21:15