



智联文通翻译公司全国统一咨询电话(010)6204 7337   翻译业务邮箱:bjzlwt@126.com


网站首页    新闻动态    为什么翻译公司对机械翻译的报价都不一样?


There are many translation companies nowadays. If you are in the machinery industry, you will find that if you consult more than a few translation companies, you will find that each translation company will offer different quotations for mechanical translation. Why?


First, the professional level of translators.


It is undeniable that all the translators who can work in translation service companies have certain translation ability and experience, but this does not mean that they can be competent for all kinds of translation work, especially in the professional machinery manufacturing. If professional and high-quality translation of mechanical documents or contracts is required, it requires the translation company to select professional translators who are both familiar with the mechanical industry and proficient in English or other languages to translate, and the translation level of these translators plays a decisive role in the final offer.


Second. The difficulty of translating documents.


Due to different customers, the degree of difficulty they need to translate documents is also very different, which determines the level of the final translation quotation. When the difficulty of documents or contracts is relatively low, the price of mechanical translation is relatively low, of course, if the translation of documents involved in high requirements, difficult, the translation company will also be higher when the price quoted in mechanical translation.


Third. Customer requirements for translation services


When there is no special requirement for the general translation of documents, the translation company will follow a standard. When the clients have special requirements for translation services, the translators will pay more energy and effort. At this time, their fees will be higher.


The above content is why the translation of the machinery industry will have different quotations, I hope this article will help you understand the translation company.

2018年10月22日 16:22