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Business English may be in the conference or multimedia industry, compared to other English, in fact, business English is still very characteristic, the following let Beijing translation company's teacher for you to introduce it.

1. 擅长使用专业术语

1. good at using professional terminology.


This is mainly because business English involves trade, business, marketing finance and other theories and things are very strong, showing a strong professional language.

对于一些比较熟悉的、经常要求用到的商务英语词汇的缩略词,如:提单bill of lading——B/L,世界银行the World Bank——WB,世界贸易组织 World Trade Organization—— WTO等等;有一些是 economic policy 经济政策,holding company 控股公司,devaluation (货币)贬值等的常用词汇;还有一些是在商务贸易的发展过程中不断增加的词汇,consolidated debt 合并债务,TPL(第三方物流),cyber-payment (电子支付),这些新词丰富了商务英语的内容。

For some familiar and frequently required abbreviations of business English vocabulary, such as: Bill of lading - B/L, the World Bank - WB, World Trade Organization - WTO and so on; some are economic policy, holding company, deval. Common words such as uation (currency) depreciation and so on; there are also words that are constantly increasing in the development of business and trade, consolidated debts, TPL (third party logistics), cyber-payment (electronic payment), these new words enrich the content of business English.

2. 内容严谨结构复杂

2. rigorous content and complex structure.


Words should be precise and precise. The meaning of words is closely related to the context in which they are used and the culture in which they exist.

语境不同,词汇的意义也有差别。译者在翻译的过程中选词要准确,概念表达要确切,数码与单位要精确’,要忠实、准确地将源语言的信息用目标语言表达出来,做到原文读者获得的信息与译文读者获得的信息内涵相等。商务英语中为了达到委婉表达的效果"往往多使用被动句"这与汉语的表达大不相同$因此" 英语被动句在译成汉语时不存在现成的对应表达方式"而需要依据汉语的习惯用法"从丰富的句式和辅助词语中挑选一些适当的手段来表现出原文的被动含义。

Different contexts have different meanings. In the process of translation, the translator should select words accurately, express concepts accurately, number and unit accurately, and faithfully and accurately express the information in the source language in the target language, so that the information obtained by the original readers is equal to the information acquired by the target readers. In order to achieve the effect of euphemism in Business English, "often use passive sentences" is quite different from that in Chinese. The passive meaning of the original text.

3. 涉猎广范,具有实用性

3. dabble in wide range, practical


Business English is closely related to professional knowledge in terms of language form, vocabulary, and content. It carries information on business theory and business practice. Accurate use of professional vocabulary is the greatest feature of business language in terms of vocabulary usage. Business English translation is a common skill in business English translation.

例如:sole license(排他性许可证)和exclusive license(独占性许可证),两者各有精确的含义,不能随意交换使用。

For example: sole license (exclusive license) and exclusive license (exclusive license), both have precise meanings and cannot be exchanged at will.


The former expresses that during the licence transaction, the technology transferee has exclusive rights over the technology under the licence in the validity period of the agreement and in the area under the agreement, and no third party is allowed to use the technology and license to sell the product in the prescribed area; the latter expresses that the Licensor may not make use of the same content again. The licensing agreement is subject to any third party in the territory, and even the Licensor himself may not use the technology in that region.

又如:anti-dumping measures (反倾销措施),quota-free products (非配额生产)

For example, anti-dumping measures (anti-dumping measures), quota-free products (non quota production).

investment in non-productive projects (非生产性投资),clearance sale (清仓削价销售),

Investment in non-productive projects (non productive investment), clearance sale (clearance sale).

closed cargo (列入表定运费的货物)等等。

Closed cargo (included in the list of freight charges) and so on.

4. 常使用缩略词

4. often use acronyms.


The names, concepts and terms used in business English translation should be unified at all times. It is not allowed to translate the same concept or term arbitrarily, and the inconsistent translation will inevitably lead to misunderstanding and make the reader ignorant of the translation. As a business translator, he should have a good understanding of the relevant professional knowledge so as to avoid mistranslation and cause disputes and losses to both parties concerned. In the process of translation, we should pay attention to the correct use of business terms, abbreviations and new professional words in different fields.


Several of the above are the characteristics of business English, I hope to help you understand business English.

2018年9月27日 20:24