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  At present, the media in China pay more attention to English financial news, so the translation requirements of English news also increase. What translation skills do English financial news have? The following translation company introduces you in detail:


  Title Translation should be based on attracting readers.

  英文报刊的新闻标题不可直译。由于思维习惯与文化背景的不同,外国记者在提取标题时主要迎合的是本国读者阅读意愿,所以翻译为中文标题时必须要把本国读者的阅读方式和整篇文章的主体内容作为参照,必须按"内外有别"原则来重新命题。例如《英国金融时报》2009年6月24日发表了一篇"US lodges WTO case against China"的文章,如果不看原文后的直译是"美国向世界贸易组织抗议中国"。事实上,看过全文后的题目应为:"美欧联手向WTO诉讼中国"。

  The headlines in English newspapers should not be translated literally. Because of the differences in thinking habits and cultural backgrounds, foreign journalists cater to the reading willingness of their own readers when they extract titles. Therefore, when translating titles into Chinese, they must refer to the reading style of their own readers and the main content of the whole article, and they must make new propositions according to the principle of "internal and external differences". For example, on June 24, 2009, the Financial Times published an article entitled "US lodges WTO case against China", which translated literally as "US protests against China to the World Trade Organization". In fact, after reading the full text, the title should be: "the United States and Europe jointly join WTO in litigation with China".


  The logic of compiling should conform to the reading habits of domestic readers.


  In the past, international news translation focused on rewriting and sorting out, but the translation of financial news is different. First of all, it should be easy to understand. The references to financial news are the international media, such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times. Before translating, the translator must understand the way foreign journalists write news. Generally speaking, they follow the "inverted pyramid" style of writing layout, that is, arrange the most important content in order, and do not care about the logical arrangement. Ordinary literal translation and free translation of news from foreign media do not meet the needs of domestic readers. We must strictly abide by the rules of literal translation in content and free translation in language so that readers can finish reading in the shortest possible time and in the most understandable way. This requires the editor to synthesize, translate and rewrite, or translate and recompile the process, only this way of reporting can meet the needs of time-pressed readers of modern reading.


  The key role of the central sentence in the protruding section

  在首段导语中概括文章主旨很必要,但段落首句的总结亦很重要。翻译文章前,必须先通篇阅读掌握英语文章大意,正式翻译时更要仔细读懂每段的大意,并用一句话概括自己要表达的问题,争取让读者一目了然。比如,奥巴马6月17日出台了 "大萧条"以来最大的金融监管改革方案,国外媒体对此新闻的报道方式各不相同,但不管怎么编译,我们都必须突出每段的主旨。除新闻导语外,第二段必须突出 "美联储获得监管大权"的主旨;有人受益就有人受害,第三段必须突出"华尔街及一般企业的薪酬和利润可能受到此轮改革的打击"。这样读者就可以迅速读懂全文。

  It is necessary to generalize the purpose of the article in the first paragraph, but the summary of the first sentence is also very important. Before translating an article, one must read the whole passage to grasp the main idea of the English article. When translating it formally, one should read the main idea of each paragraph carefully and sum up the problems one wants to express in one sentence so as to make the readers understand them clearly. For example, on June 17, Obama unveiled the biggest financial regulatory reform since the Great Depression. Foreign media report on the news in different ways, but no matter how it is translated, we must highlight the main thrust of each paragraph. In addition to the news lead, the second paragraph must highlight the theme of "the Fed gains regulatory power"; the third paragraph must highlight "Wall Street and corporate pay and profits in general may be hit by this round of reform". In this way, readers can quickly read the full text.


  Concise language and easy to understand


  No matter how active the English expression is or how complicated the lexical and grammatical structure is, the basic purpose of translation is to make the meaning clear and make the translation comprehensible to all readers. Because of the uncertain expression and thinking of foreign journalists, it is absolutely impossible to translate financial English news literally. The translator should not only learn to decouple the long complex English sentences, but also express the original meaning in the simplest sentences according to the relevant background knowledge.


  These are the translation skills of English financial news introduced to you by the translation company. Mastering these skills is more convenient to translate the news. Of course, besides understanding the skills, a solid foundation is also very necessary.

2018年9月6日 20:41