



智联文通翻译公司全国统一咨询电话(010)6204 7337   翻译业务邮箱:bjzlwt@126.com


网站首页    新闻动态    人工翻译为什么更具有优势?


  With the development of science and technology, there are a lot of free translation software. Many people think there is a free translation software. Why do I have an artificial translation of the choice of fees? Actually, artificial translation has more advantages than software translation. The following is the introduction of Beijing translation.


  One, flexibility is strong


  The biggest advantage of artificial translation is that the human is alive, but the machine and equipment software is dead, the difference between the two is very large. The Machine Translation is only translated word by word according to the word, and does not understand the context, the combination of words and phrases, often using Machine Translation's most frequent phenomenon is the "donkey lip". The word translation is correct, and the word translation is correct. There is no combination, which makes the translated sentences lack practicality, but the artificial translation is not the same. This is not a machine. It is not a machine. One can understand the specific context, so it can be translated, so the sentence and the actual meaning will be the same, this will be the same. It is why the artificial translation is made.


  Two. It is easy to communicate and be highly targeted.


  In the process of using machine to translate, people can not communicate with machine equipment. This is a great difference in artificial translation. Artificial translation can communicate effectively with customers and teams when encountered problems and incomprehension, thus improving the translation effect. Moreover, artificial translation is highly targeted. It can design a translation plan based on specific translation languages and provide the best translation service for customers.


  Three. Low error rate


  There are some ircontrollability in mechanical translation. In the process of translating, it is easy to have problems. Apart from the normal combination of the words and the failure of the sentence translation, a word has a variety of meanings, and the machine does not know how to choose, and often the text is wrong.


  The above is the more advantages of the artificial translation introduced by the Beijing translation company than the software translation. I hope that the summary of the little editor will be helpful to everyone. Of course, no matter what kind of translation, we all have to choose according to our own actual situation, and hope that the summary of the little editor will help us.

2018年7月6日 19:36