



智联文通翻译公司全国统一咨询电话(010)6204 7337   翻译业务邮箱:bjzlwt@126.com


网站首页    新闻动态    翻译公司维护客户忠诚度需要注意的事项


  For the translation company, the loyalty of the customer is very important, and the translation company wants to maintain the loyalty of the customer is also a very difficult thing. What are the details of the Beijing translation company for the detailed introduction of the maintenance of customer loyalty?


  1, enterprise brand


  We all know that brand is used to identify the products and services of a seller or a group of sellers, and distinguish them from competitors' products and services. Brand names are the guarantee of good quality, so corporate brand helps to promote product sales and establish corporate image. As a service industry translation, although it is not as strong as the industrial product of the brand, but if the formation of its own brand many customers will come, let customers feel more comfortable with the company. The brand name of translation and translation has gained popularity in the industry.


  2. The quality of translation service

  很多研究表明,服务质量对顾客忠诚度有着更为直接而根本的影响。这就是说, 服务质量的好坏直接决定着顾客的忠诚与否。因此,改善翻译服务质量自然会提高顾客的忠诚度,翻译几乎纯粹的服务项目,所以翻译服务质量直接决定了是否与你继续合作。

  Many studies show that service quality has a more direct and fundamental impact on customer loyalty. That is to say, the quality of service directly determines the loyalty of customers. Therefore, improving the quality of translation services will naturally improve customer loyalty and translation of almost pure service, so the quality of translation services directly determines whether to continue to cooperate with you.


  3, customer satisfaction


  The higher the customer satisfaction is, the more willing the customer will be to buy, and the translation is the service industry. Only when the customer is satisfied can we finish the order. Despite the fierce competition in the translation industry, customer loyalty will increase with the improvement of customer satisfaction. It can be said that customer satisfaction is one of the most important factors to promote customer loyalty, which is the first consideration in the translation industry. The customer satisfaction of Shanghai interpretation translation company is as high as 98%.


  4, customer value factors


  After all, the relationship between the company and the customer is a kind of exchange relationship between the pursuit of the value of each interest and the satisfaction, and the loyalty of the customer is the excellent value translation service provided by the translation enterprise. It can be said that the service value provided by a translator to the customer plays an important role in the production of its loyalty. The better the translation service is, the more the customer is willing to trust the translation to you, the more willing it will be to further cooperate.


  5, the cost of the Switching Company


  Conversion cost refers to the one-time cost of a customer from one supplier to another. In addition to the cost of money, there is a psychological and time cost in the face of uncertainty caused by a new supplier. It can be seen that higher conversion costs build higher barriers to conversion, and customers may not be willing to replace suppliers when customers change their suppliers with high cost of funds and the loss of old customers. The interpreter translates the translation company to provide the integral return for the old customer.


  6. The convenience of a company visit


  Due to the restriction of geographical location and other factors, making customers can not visit the company very conveniently, and then interviews with relevant personnel of the company will also affect customer loyalty. If the translation company in your place is very few or only your family, the customer may have a certain degree of loyalty, and once the user finds a more convenient or more satisfactory translation company, the customer will lose.


  The above is the Beijing translation company for the translation company to maintain customer loyalty needs to be noted, in addition to this, to understand the requirements of customers is also one of the most important conditions.

2018年7月2日 19:01